Bacon and Cheese Ribbon

Bacon. Cheese. Two of my very, very best foods. Here I combined them into one utterly delicious ribbon.

One day when I was frying nice fatty rashers of streaky bacon, I thought how great it would be to have some melted cheese with the bacon. And voilà! a new recipe was born.

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Bacon and Baby Marrow Bowl for One

This little low carb Bowl for One is guaranteed to satisfy your tastebuds as well as your tummy. It tastes really good and will keep you full for long.

You can prepare it in mere minutes. An added bonus is that you will be getting your fibre-rich greens as well as your essential fats and proteins in at the same time.

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Bacon and Cheese Microwave Muffin in a Mug

I developed this savoury microwave muffin a few years ago for low carb followers like me who sometimes crave bread. It still remains one of my all-time favourite recipes. Super-quick, super-easy and super-filling. Ideal low carb fuel for a lunch box.

Just mix the batter with a fork, pour into a coffee mug and pop into the microwave oven. Best enjoyed while still warm with thick butter and a large, fresh green garden salad.

It freezes very well, too. Just thaw and reheat in the microwave oven.

There is also a dairy-free version (see “Tip” below the recipe).

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Turmeric Mushroom, Tuna and Bacon Stir-fry

This low carb stir-fry is a merry mix of unlikely ingredients… but together they make sweet music. I can eat this unusual combo just about every day.

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Bacon, Broccoli and Cauliflower Bowl

Keeping it simple is often the best choice. In life and in food. 

This low carb recipe personifies simplicity. You need absolutely no cooking skills to stir up this super satisfying bowl of bacon and veggies, coated in creamy, mustardy, garlicky deliciousness. 

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Cauliflower Rice with Bacon, Parmesan and Thyme


If you are a low carber, you’ll definitely know cauliflower rice or cauliflower couscous. Chop raw cauliflower florets in a food processor until it looks like rice or couscous. Or grate it by hand. Then stir-fry, allowing for the water in the cauliflower to evaporate. The possibilities are endless as to what you can add to it.

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Crunchy Cabbage and Bacon Stir-Fry


I find cabbage to be one of the best-value-for-money veggies. And I love it raw or cooked.

This is one of the simplest low carb (and dairy-free) recipes I have ever developed. Real food where you can taste every ingredient individually. But there is a secret. It is not an ordinary stir-fry. It is partly cooked and partly raw. I add half of the cabbage and a handful of crunchy celery at the end without cooking it. Make it, taste it and decide for yourself!

Continue reading “Crunchy Cabbage and Bacon Stir-Fry”